The best company have a great staff that is 100% motivated and engaged. That is what we are all aiming toward with our businesses.
The point is that we sometimes look at our staff as a group. Motivation and engagement is, however, an individual thing. You could say that the average motivation level of each of your staff make up your general staff engagement level.
I don't find this to be completely accurate. Unfortunately, a disengaged staff can de-motivate the other staff way faster than an engaged staff pulls the staff engagement higher. It is therefore crucial to rapidly locate and deal with the staff who is not engaged and de-motivated. This is a classic case of the rotten fruit ruining the whole basket.
To help you, I have compiled a checklist you can use to evaluate your staff on their engagement level. This will help you locate the staff who need your attention. Once tou have done the checklist, you will be able to discuss the points with your staff and come to a resolution which will lead to their improved engagement and motivation.
Remember, your job is to assist your staff in making it on their post, NOT to catch them and punish them. This checklist will assist you in getting your staff engaged and motivated.
Have fun with it and contact me if you have any question!